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Black & White: Ultimate (...
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  Extracting Informations from info.dat AND add extra objects
Posted by: Kratzean - 09-13-2017, 17:06 - Forum: Modding - No Replies

At the moment I am extracting the Informations from the CI info.dat into info*.txt files and I finished the first 4 ofd them.

But (I tried it in the normal B&W game), I can't add new objects, because I think, there are special offsets for this. I tried to change it with IDE in the exe file (I test to add a own spell), but every time I tried to add an extra object into the text files and used it, the game crashes. The game didn't load the extra informations in the text file.

You can find the different functions for the Objects (like spells) at this area ...

.... in Creatureisle.exe: 0042CC60

.... in runblack.exe: unknown (search for example for the String 'DETAIL_MAGIC_GENERAL_INFO' with IDA).

I opened it with IDA. When somebody knows a way, to add extra objects/entries (by increasing values or change offsets...), it would be very fine^^

edit: info5.txt done too^^

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  BaW Graphics Mod Manager for AllMeshes.g3d and Landscapes?
Posted by: Kratzean - 09-01-2017, 14:39 - Forum: Modding - Replies (6)

It's possible, to load high quality textures with the BaW Graphics Mod Manager for the l3d-Files, stored in the AllMeshes.g3d?
Because l3d files (wothout the BaW Graphics Mod Manager) only can use 256x256 Textures. And for example for the B&W2-Trees I want to use the 1024x1024 textures.

And perhaps its possible, to use high quality textures (or modify the textures) of a single landscape to? I only want to make it possible, for landscapes, objects.... for all textures with a 256x256 format, to use higher formats like 1024x1024 or more, because this looks better.

It's possible or planed to add to the BaW Graphics Mod Manager functions, to use more memory for the game, so that thew game can show more objwects, effects and don't lag with the B&W trees, which I replaced with the BW-trees in the allmeshes.g3d?

edit: The new version of the GMM make problems with CI. Sometime the game crashes, or the game doesn't load the textures from data/textures....

edit 2: Replacing textures with "AddNewEffect('smallbump.raw', 'MAIN', ET_MAIN, EF_SELECTTEXTURE, 0, '#\smallbump.tga');" doesn't work... When I try it, sometime the game crashes too...
Sry, the GMM is a good idea and can make some nice texture changes, but is still very buggy. Sad At the moment it's impossible, to use it without problems in CI.

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  Newest update (29/08/2017)
Posted by: Lant - 08-30-2017, 20:27 - Forum: Main hall - Replies (7)

Hi everyone.
The time has come for this big update to finally be born. Actually we planned to release it at 21 march, but different things got in the way, and later we decided to add more features. Maybe it is even good, because now this update is a lot bigger and better than was planned. Sadly, it is probably the last version supporting IE 4(if anyone is still using it!). But anyway, you can find a lot of new stuff. Here is the short list:

- Tables with additional information about Creatures, Miracles, Leashes, Tribes, Buildings and Trees
- Small fixes and new features on the site
- New version (0.51) of BaW Graphics Mod Manager (Small fixes, FullScreen windowed mode and a way to set the window size)
- Official script files taken from B&W for Mac
- Original info.dat files in Files/Missing Files part
- Two new articles: info.dat secrets and ZSpellFiles
- Some new Mods available on the forum
- Pictures of the websites on the Links page

That is not all. One of the most important new things may be added separately soon.

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  Editing txt.zzz-Files
Posted by: Kratzean - 08-15-2017, 12:58 - Forum: Modding - Replies (2)

Somebody have an idea, how I can edit a txt.zzz file?

This files contains effects for wonders and other visual effects like fireworks.

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  555 and 16b files
Posted by: sylcai - 06-28-2017, 16:01 - Forum: Modding - Replies (2)

Has someone figured out a way to extract the images properly from these files? I am able to open them, but the interlacing is so strange.

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  B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Modification for Land Height Expansion
Posted by: Kratzean - 06-26-2017, 20:37 - Forum: Uploads - No Replies

This file modifications are needed to edit the landscapes with land heights above 255, up to 2047 for the 'B&W CI Land Height Expansion'.

Copy the files of the editors to the corresponding directorys of the editor, you use.

The file 'BWSurveyor - Converter.exe' is needed to convert normal maps to the land height expansion maps.

Read the readme for more.

Attached Files
.zip   B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Mod for Map Height Expansion.zip (Size: 1.04 MB / Downloads: 5)
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  (EX) Land 2_7 Gods_Hypermontain
Posted by: Kratzean - 06-26-2017, 20:30 - Forum: Uploads - No Replies

This is an example Map for the 'B&W CI Land Height Expansion'
You need to run this tool first, to use this map without problems.

At the moment it's only works for creature isle.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip   (EX) Land 2_7 Gods_Hypermontain.zip (Size: 1.49 MB / Downloads: 3)
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  B&W CI Landheight Expansion
Posted by: Kratzean - 06-26-2017, 20:26 - Forum: Uploads - Replies (12)

This tool make it possible, to have maps with land heights, higher than 255 units.

But at first we need some maps with higher values. Use the 'B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Mod for Map Height Expansion' Download for modificationsd for the map editors Sculpted and BWSurveyor to make new maps.

Also I made a little map as an example with an high montain, called '(EX) Land 2_7 Gods_Hypermontain'.

Mirror 1: http://filehorst.de/d/bhxDChDs
Mirror 2: https://www.4shared.com/rar/vGFcekUtca/B...nsion.html

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip   B&W CI Landheight Expansion.zip (Size: 4.68 MB / Downloads: 4)
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  Mod Manager - replacing RAW textures
Posted by: sylcai - 06-12-2017, 23:36 - Forum: Modding - Replies (9)

Which format do the textures need to be in, for the mod manager to properly replace the .raw textures?

Also, I am currently using the line;

AddNewEffect('Sky.raw', 'MAIN', ET_MAIN, EF_SELECTTEXTURE, 0, '#\Sky.tga');

is this the correct format?

Also, how do I perform the same for the Alpha layers? Just 

AddNewEffect('SkyA.raw', 'MAIN', ET_MAIN, EF_SELECTTEXTURE, 0, '#\SkyA.tga');

Next, does the mod properly load 2x the size or different sized textures. Because at the moment, the Sky texture isn't loading for me.

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  [land 2] save khazar, skip creature kidnapping
Posted by: Padepad - 06-09-2017, 14:48 - Forum: Gameplay - Replies (5)

this is a guide on how to save khazar from death and your creature from being kidnapped by lethys in land 2

1. have a khazar side mission available

2. have an artefact

3. build 2 artefact charged indian wonders

4. have enough worshippers to cast a lightning later on

5. slow down time with alt + 1

6. convert lethys' main village next to his temple and immediately pause the game

7. go to your temple, unpause for a short moment and cast lightning, pause again

8. go to lethys' temple and oneshot him with a short click on his temple, pause again

9. go near your main village, look for a khazar side mission, unpause and activate it
    khazar's death cutscene will be skipped, lethys capturing your creature will be skipped, the permanent vortex opening cutscene will play in the middle of the khazar cutscene and that's it.

i tested it with the khazar side mission where you have to impress the indian village next to your main village with food while khazar is filling their village store up with wood. not sure if other quests work too, maybe.

i posted this like last year but this time i found out how to also save khazar

proof: http://i.imgur.com/xOwim9o.jpg

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