
Created based on information taken from the official script files. Some of the most useful and interesting information was found there and put into the interactive table for easier reading.

In these tables you can find values of different in-game stuff like parameters of creatures, buildings, trees and miracles. Most of them were not shown in any official guides, but can be very helpful in building own maps, creating strategies or choosing creatures.

These two tables show the detailed information about all buildings in the game. You can find this information in the "Tribes" part too, but here it is not divided into parts and it is easier to compare the prices. First table is about the buildings that are the same for all Tribes (like creche or graveyard), second part is about the living houses (which have different prices and other parameters).

Important information about the room for children in living houses. Actually, there can be ANY number of children in a house, even if there is no "official" place for them. For example, if an adult, living in a tiny house, will give birth to 5 children, they all will be bound to this house and will add influence to the village like 5 villagers. BUT! After they will grow up, they will go to search for their own houses and if there will be not enough empty ones, they will become homeless, and homeless give no influence at all. That is the reason why the influence may drop drastically without people actually dying. They simply grow up!

Formula for calculating the total added Influence from buildings (not counting the global multipliers of maps and towns):
(1 + number of adults living there + number of children living there) * health of the building * base Influence of the building
Like you see, even if nobody lives in the building, it still has a multiplier of "1" which is used in the formula. Every villager living in the building, adds another 1. Then this total number is multiplied by the health of the building (for example, it may be damaged or not finished) and only then the base Influence is used as the final multiplier. All living houses have base influence of 5, but because of the villagers inside the final number can actually become pretty big.

Example 1: Living house, not damaged, with 3 adults and 4 children:
(1 + 3 + 4) * 1 * 5 = 40

Example 2: Village Store damaged by 20%:
(1 + 0 + 0) * 0.8 * 45 = 36

Show Table Info
Script name
Script name of the building. For map script files. (DebugString:48)
Number of Scaffolds needed to start the building. (ScaffoldsRequired)
Base Influence added for building this building. (Influence)
Maximum Food that can be stored in the Farm. (FoodValue)
Wood required for building this building. (WoodValue)
Script nameScaffoldsInfluenceFoodWood
0 ABODE_A 15 0 #
1 ABODE_B 15 0 #
2 ABODE_C #5 0 #
3 ABODE_D #5 0 #
4 ABODE_E 25 0 #
5 ABODE_F #5 0 #
6 ABODE_TOTEM 090 0 40001
7 ABODE_STORAGE_PIT 345 0 40001
8 ABODE_CRECHE 320 0 2000
9 ABODE_WORKSHOP 325 0 35001
10 ABODE_WONDER 7150 0 24000
11 ABODE_GRAVEYARD 330 0 20001
12 ABODE_TOWN_CENTRE 590 0 60001
15 ABODE_FIELD 45 1400 2000
1 Double price for the Tibetan
Show Table Info
Tribe #
Tribe number, from Celtic (0) to Tibetan (8). (ENUM_TRIBE_TYPE)
Abode #
Type of the house (each tribe has 6 types, from 0 to 5, usually 0 is the smallest and 5 is the biggest). (ENUM_ABODE_NUMBER)
Name of the building (DebugString:48)
Number of Scaffolds needed to start the building. (ScaffoldsRequired)
Wood required for building. (WoodValue)
Maximum number of adult Villagers that can fit into the building. (MaxVillagersInAbode)
Intended maximum number of children that can fit into the building. For some reason it is only used for "Population", because the number of children in a house is actually not limited. (MaxChildrenInAbode)
Tribe #Abode #NameScaffoldsWoodVillagersChildren
0 00 Celtic Hut 11500 21
1 01 Celtic Tent 11600 21
2 02 Celtic Shack X 11800 22
3 03 Celtic Shack Y 21900 32
4 04 Celtic Temple X 22000 44
5 05 Celtic Temple Y 22000 43
6 10 African Hut 11500 21
7 11 African Tent 11500 21
8 12 African Shack X 11600 22
9 13 African Shack Y 11600 22
10 14 African Temple X 21800 33
11 15 African Temple Y 22000 43
12 20 Aztec Hut 11400 21
13 21 Aztec Tent 11500 22
14 22 Aztec Shack X 11700 32
15 23 Aztec Shack Y 21800 33
16 24 Aztec Temple X 22000 43
17 25 Aztec Temple Y 11500 21
18 30 Japanese Hut 11400 21
19 31 Japanese Tent 11400 21
20 32 Japanese Shack X 21800 32
21 33 Japanese Shack Y 21800 32
22 34 Japanese Temple X 22000 43
23 35 Japanese Temple Y 11500 21
24 40 Indian Hut 11000 21
25 41 Indian Tent 11000 21
26 42 Indian Shack X 22000 54
27 43 Indian Shack Y 22000 55
28 44 Indian Temple X 22800 66
29 45 Indian Temple Y 11000 21
30 50 Egyptian Hut 11400 21
31 51 Egyptian Tent 11600 22
32 52 Egyptian Shack X 21800 33
33 53 Egyptian Shack Y 11700 22
34 54 Egyptian Temple X 21900 43
35 55 Egyptian Temple Y 22200 44
36 60 Greek Hut 11600 22
37 61 Greek Tent 11600 22
38 62 Greek Shack X 11800 32
39 63 Greek Shack Y 21800 33
40 64 Greek Temple X 22200 44
41 65 Greek Temple Y 22200 34
42 70 Norse Hut 11400 21
43 71 Norse Tent 11450 21
44 72 Norse Shack X 21800 32
45 73 Norse Shack Y 22000 44
46 74 Norse Temple X 23000 55
47 75 Norse Temple Y 11600 22
48 80 Tibetan Hut 12800 21
49 81 Tibetan Tent 12800 21
50 82 Tibetan Shack X 13600 42
51 83 Tibetan Shack Y 24000 52
52 84 Tibetan Temple X 24400 63
53 85 Tibetan Temple Y 24800 74