I think, that it's a good idea, to search together for different ways, to change some things in the game by modding.
Perhaps, someone want's to change something in the game (for example the Drawdistance for mapobjects, or only "one" computer player symbol...) and another modder have an idea to change this, whe can find a way together for a tool or something.
In this example I want to find a way th change only "one" computer player symbol or the drawdistance for a big zoom out.
Perhaps someone have an Idea^^
There are two pictures. The first show an example, how I like to change the symbols of a player and the second picture shows the problem with the zoom out. I want, that alle objects, for example buildings are visible after a zoom out.
You can try that. It is not perfect and requires you to restart the game after you choose a map. And it changes all of the player symbols. Can choose a different texture for symbol replacing.
In a later version it may work better.
Yes, this is a way, but then every time, if I want changing a player symbol (include my own symbol), I have to edit te file .
I try to find a way, to change only "one" symbol (so that the game place it into the PlayersSymbols.raw file for only one player).
I know, that the game reads the player symbols from Kazarr.cps etc...
The mod manager checks only few pixels of a texture. That may be the reason, if the other Symbols don't "touch" any of those pixels, but I doubt that.
The game also needs to be restarted, like Lant mentioned, after choosing the map. Also when choosing a new Symbol, I guess. That is because this version of the mod manager checks PlayersSymbols.raw only at the beginning.
01-27-2017, 04:52 (This post was last modified: 01-27-2017, 08:21 by Kratzean.)
Wow, perfekt! How did you do this?^^
You are good^^
edit: Another Question. I want to add the Players FIVE, SIX and SEVEN as regular players, for my mod or for Skirmishes.
For example, that they statistics appears like from PLAYER_ONE - PLAYER FOUR (look at the attachment).
And if I defeat the player, that the message "%s is out of the game" appears (%s for the name/number of the computer player) and that I only can win the game, if "all" players (not only PLAYER_TWO to PLAYER_FOUR) are defeated.