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Mod Manager - replacing RAW textures
(03-19-2019, 22:38)Lant Wrote: Try using this, it may work:
"AddNewEffect('Sky.raw', 'MAIN', ET_MAIN, EF_SELECTTEXTURE, 0, '.\Data\Textures\smallbump.raw');"

may the problem is... i'm a noob, i'm using windows 8.1 and i have installed the fan patch 1.41

yesterday the mods worked whit mod mannager, green fire ball, hr textures and the color changer did work, but texture multiplier didn't work... and yes i modify the folder permissions and i modified "//" in .txt to activate mod...

i had a problem and i reinstalled the game from zero, but today only work if i extract the mod in the game folder, but if i modify some line about any .txt file, the game or crashes or run whitout textures and all is dark red colored....

i wanna to try more but i don't know if i give up....
Can i work in virtualbox no?

PD: do you have any modified textures? or more resolution or something can i install to see it? you are a f*** genius.
I started whit this, cause nostalgy and because i modified a .txt info in playgrounds folder, and i felt god XD but now i feel shit hahaha.

And what about of the grass sistem?

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RE: Mod Manager - replacing RAW textures - by Weed_Man - 03-20-2019, 00:34

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